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Celery Juice for Constipation? Top 2 Reasons Why

Celery is a staple of some dishes. It is also tasty and gives a good texture to dishes too! But how about celery juice? Is celery juice for constipation a good idea?

Ahh Celery, the long, crunchy plant perfect for salads, soups, and pickles. It is a staple for some soups and stocks and can be eaten raw too. This plant is a native in the Middle East and the Mediterranean areas. 

Fun Fact: Celery is a cousin of parsley; they are from the same family: Apiaceae

Not only is celery a well-known low-calorie snack, but it is also famous for its health benefits. It is famous enough that the Chinese consider it as a medicinal plant.

Some claimed health benefits of celery includes

  • Inflammation and cancer prevention due to apigenin
  • Blood pressure reduction
  • Hyperlipidemia prevention
  • Neurogenesis

But, these benefits have only been tested in rodents. There is no conclusive study involving celery and humans. Also, the quantity of the nutrients in celery is not large enough for it to be a one-food-show, so to speak.

Constipation is the slow transit of food across the digestive tract. This makes the stool hard, lumpy and difficult to pass. There are different reasons why this happens. Some reasons include a sedentary lifestyle, not drinking enough water, or having a low fiber diet.

The symptoms of constipation include the following:

  • Hard, lumpy stools
  • Irregular bowel movements
  • Fullness sensation

This condition can be addressed by drinking more fluids and eating fruits and vegetables. But how about celery?

Celery Juice for Constipation

Reason #1: Fiber

If you drink a 100-gram celery juice, you immediately drank 1.6 grams of dietary fiber. It might not seem much, but take this: the average daily requirement for fiber is 25-30 grams. Yet, most adults usually consume 15 grams only. 

Fiber is one of the best solutions for constipation. Why? Because it helps keep the gut run along smoothly. The combination of soluble and insoluble fibers not only adds bulk to the stool, but they also soften the stool and make it easier to excrete. 

But, if you binge drank your celery juice or went through a juicing diet involving celery, it’s a different story. You might get the exact opposite of constipation – diarrhea.

Reason #2: Water 

Celery is LOADED with water, even after it is juiced. In a 100 g celery juice, you get 94.11 g water. As mentioned above, water and dietary changes are important in overcoming constipation. That means that by eating raw celery or drinking celery juice, you are getting both your water and your fiber needs. 

Because of that, the same warning sign is applicable – too much celery may be more harmful than beneficial.

Allergy Warning

Have you ever wondered why celery is included in the allergen warning? It’s a vegetable! Why is it there?

Turns out that celery allergy is common in European countries.  Allergic reactions can range from uncomfortable to life-threatening and may develop within minutes of eating the food. 

Here are some symptoms of food allergy:

  • Hives, itching, eczema
  • Wheezing, nasal congestion
  • Swelling of the lips, face, or other body parts
  • Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting
  • Anaphylaxis

You have to see your doctor immediately if you’ve experienced any allergic reactions after eating a certain food. This is very important especially if you have developed symptoms of anaphylaxis. Some symptoms are:

  • difficulty in breathing
  • drop in blood pressure
  • rapid pulse
  • dizziness

There are benefits to eating celery. It has antioxidants, bioactive compounds, nutrients needed by the body, and fiber.  It is easy to include in the diet and does not taste bad at all. 

If you are not allergic to celery, you can include it in your daily diet to help your constipation. Treating constipation involves lifestyle and dietary changes, although using a laxative is also an option. Having a gradual shift into a healthy lifestyle is more helpful in the long run. It is because not only are you getting the fiber that you need, you’re also getting the nutrients and minerals of that food. 

How do you like your celery? Raw? In Soups? Salads?

[thrive_toggles_group”][thrive_toggles title=”References” no=”1/1″]https://gutadvisor.com/can-celery-cause-diarrhea/ https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/how-celery-juice-helps-constipation https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324585.php#apple-juice https://www.livestrong.com/article/549380-the-disadvantages-of-celery/ https://www.healthline.com/health/digestive-health/juice-for-constipation https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/270678.php https://www.britannica.com/plant/celery https://www.health.com/food/health-benefits-celery[/thrive_toggles][/thrive_toggles_group]

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Nicole Castaneda - RND

Nicole is a professional Nutritionist-Dietitian who advocates for food variation, moderation and the effect of food choices on the body. She loves to write light and easy to understand articles about food and gut health.

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